Cablenine is now available on Playstore , which is the best Cable TV Spot Billing application in Kerala. The cable TV operator can keep a daily collection history through the app. Live collection monitoring and Complaint management is also possible with the Cablenine Android Application.
Cablenine is the best GST Compatible Cable TV Subscriber Management System On these days. Cablenine is the most optimal solution to resolve your live day to day monitoring and billing, payment, complaint management and customer management needs, all on the same platform. Execute date-wise and package-wise customer payment details and export the data to Microsoft Excel. Cablenine is an amazingly simple to use GST Billing software for Cable tv agents. It lets you create invoices in GST format and manage finances without any accounting knowledge. Designed to reduce your compliance burden so that you can focus on running your job.
Now no need to manage accounts separately for cable tv operators for the bills and payments of the customers,and there is no need to purchase other software for accounting because Cablenine manage everything for you which matters most. It manages everything from bills, payments, discounts, ala carte with every detail. Cablenine take security very seriously, so your data will be very safe with us. Cablenine saves your time from the manual processing and reporting.This is the time to work now you don't need to remember or maintiain the sheets for customer next follow up because Cablenine will help you to maintain this where ever you are in the world.Makes you earn more by doing more clients.
Our Billing Machine System comes with very unique aspects, which make it stand out from that of our competitors. No complicated hardware connections, fast Thermal Printing & easy paper loading, wireless bluetooth interface for Android phone communication, Capacitive multi-touch screen, cannot be corrupted by virus and the printer works with any Android phone through Bluetooth Communication.This printer is a user programmable device. The printer can continuously work for more than 10 hours with internal battery.